Results for DVO EM Urban League, Matlock, 15/11/2015

course results
course splits
downloadable file of splits in SPORTIdent file format CSV (comma separated) . Suitable for import into WinSplits, RouteGadget, ...

RouteGadget2 is available for the event from the main DVO page.
The full list of times for The Bakewell Pudding Award (see Planner's Comments) can be found here. All runners on courses 1-4 had a common leg from 105 to 143 which was used for the award. Runners with a missing punch were still included though they have "mp" after their name.
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Planner's Comments

Thanks to everyone who turned up yesterday despite the poor weather forecast - luckily it only rained when we were putting the controls out! We had lots of comments about the amount of route choice and how people liked the estate next to the Arc.
Unfortunately, one competitor did punch at the Finish but then didn't download, which led to us having to wait until 2.00 pm before we could collect controls. We know there was a problem with downloading for a short time at one point but it's really important that people do so.
I was asked by Doug Dickinson to include a common uphill leg on as many courses as I could - something that happens at some urban events on the continent - as well as the fastest time from the last control to the Finish. Hence the Bakewell Pudding Award, which was won by Mateusz Padsiadly of OD who covered the 444 metres (direct line) and 30 metres of climb in 2.05 minutes. Second was Matthew Fellbaum in 2.30 and third Richard Robinson in 2.31. My only problem is how to get the pudding to Mateusz!
Finally my thanks to Viv for helping me put out the controls (in the rain!), to Mike Gardner for his sympathetic controlling, to Roger and Margaret Keeling for their, as-ever, able organising and to Andrew, Rex, Graham and Richard for collecting in the controls. The latter was another outing for the recently-formed control collecting team, which does make things much easier for the Planner. Thanks also to Derek and his team on download, who had to work in less-than-perfect conditions as it was too windy to put up the club tent.
Ranald Macdonald, Planner

For any problems please contact Derek Gale

Results software provided by MERCS